
Serving Bay, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, & Saginaw Counties


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PMTC & Career Explorer Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 16 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

PMTC & Career Explorer:  This workshop explains the features of Pure Michigan Talent Connect (PMTC) and its Career Explorer tool so you can make the most out of your job search and career planning. PMTC is Michigan’s official labor exchange system and is a launch pad for new jobs, careers and talent. Career Explorer is a unique tool within PMTC that provides you with personalized career and education data that is tailored to your individual needs. This workshop will show you how to create an account and navigate our regional employment and training opportunities to discover your career path.


Conflict Resolution Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 17 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Conflict Resolution:  Join our comprehensive workshop designed to equip professionals with essential skills in conflict resolution, problem-solving, and decision-making. In today’s dynamic workplace, these abilities are crucial for fostering a productive and harmonious environment. This interactive session will explore practical strategies and techniques to effectively navigate conflicts, analyze problems, and make sound decisions to thrive in any professional setting.

Goal Setting Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 17 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Goal Setting:   Goal setting involves interactive tools for prioritizing goals and achieving them. It’s a job seeker-centered framework for working with everyone to 1. Set goals, 2. Break your goals down into management steps, 3. Develop specific plans to achieve the steps, and 4. Regularly review goal progress. Job seekers will also be able to apply these strategies to achieve future goals and develop critical skills to achieve economic independence.

Leadership Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 18 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Leadership:  This workshop focuses is on the fundamentals of effective leadership such as active listening, level of influence, giving feedback, and situational leadership.  This workshop also identifies different personality types and how different leadership styles are effective in different ways.  Whether stepping into a leadership role for the first time or striving to be a future leader, attendees will leave with an increased clarity on their personal leadership style and an improved understanding of leadership values.

Financial Literacy; Financial Fitness Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 19 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Financial Literacy; Financial Fitness:  The workshop dissects this seemingly complicated topic of Financial Literacy into manageable segments.  You will be encouraged to acknowledge limiting beliefs and habits that may impact your finances and urged to allow yourself to reframe behaviors that enrich goal attainment.  Financial Fitness is an essential skill that defies being overlooked.  Embracing resourceful information and techniques embedded within this workshop will provide the tools that can lead to self-sufficiency and the achievement of financial stability.

Interviewing Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 24 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Interviewing:  Sign up for this workshop to learn more about behavioral interviewing, how to prepare for the interview, what employers are really asking, and get tips on how to relax and ace the interview.  Also, learn how an organized portfolio will help you during an interview.


Goal Setting Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 24 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Goal Setting:   Goal setting involves interactive tools for prioritizing goals and achieving them. It’s a job seeker-centered framework for working with everyone to 1. Set goals, 2. Break your goals down into management steps, 3. Develop specific plans to achieve the steps, and 4. Regularly review goal progress. Job seekers will also be able to apply these strategies to achieve future goals and develop critical skills to achieve economic independence.

Conflict Resolution Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 25 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Conflict Resolution:  Join our comprehensive workshop designed to equip professionals with essential skills in conflict resolution, problem-solving, and decision-making. In today’s dynamic workplace, these abilities are crucial for fostering a productive and harmonious environment. This interactive session will explore practical strategies and techniques to effectively navigate conflicts, analyze problems, and make sound decisions to thrive in any professional setting.

Stress Management Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 26 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Stress Management:  Everyone experiences stress in their lives and we all react differently to different types of stress.  The more knowledge, tools, and skills we have for understanding stress, the better we are at keeping it under control.  Sign up today to learn how to control your stress and not let the stress control you.

Financial Literacy; Credit Card Workshop @ Bay City Service Center
Jul 26 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Financial Literacy; Credit Cards:  The workshop explores the various types of credit cards and how they can be utilized.  Some of the major aspects of credit cards will be examined including rewards, teaser rates, average percentage rates (APR’s), fees, and balance transfers to name a few.  The laws that govern credit card transactions will also be reviewed.  This session is part of a series that focuses on financial wellness.  It was created to provide essential financial awareness that may be overlooked when applying for or managing a credit card(s).