Resume Writing Workshop

Michigan Works! Service Center-Gratiot 327 E. Center Street, Alma, MI, United States

Résumé Workshop:​ Learn how to write an effective résumé (or adjust the one you already have) to get your foot in the door and your face in front of an interviewer.

Stress Management Workshop

Michigan Works! Service Center-Gratiot 327 E. Center Street, Alma, MI, United States

Everyone experiences stress in their lives and we all react differently to different types of stress. The more knowledge, tools, and skills we have for understanding stress, the better we are keeping it under control. Sign up today to learn how to control your stress and not let the stress control you.

Interviewing Workshop

Michigan Works! Service Center-Gratiot 327 E. Center Street, Alma, MI, United States

Interviewing: Sign up for this workshop to learn more about behavioral interviewing, how to prepare for the interview, what employers are really asking, and get tips on how to relax and ace the interview. Also, learn how an organized portfolio will help you during an interview.

Resume Writing Workshop

Michigan Works! Service Center-Gratiot 327 E. Center Street, Alma, MI, United States

Résumé Workshop:​ Learn how to write an effective résumé (or adjust the one you already have) to get your foot in the door and your face in front of an employer.